Country: Denmark
Genre: Family Drama
Freddie saves a dog he names Storm from its volatile owner. Freddie's dad discovers the dog and insists on handing him back to his lawful owner. A terrified Freddie convinces his father they must save the dog and buy Storm. But Storm's owner demands an unreasonably large sum of money. Freddie must work hard to pay back the owner, but when the boy notices Storm is a fast runner, he starts to train him at the local racetrack. Storm makes fast progress and Freddie signs him up for the dog championship - if Storm wins, Freddie will be able to buy him for good and they can be together forever.

- Marcus Rønnov
(Freddie) - Troels Lyby
- Kirsten Lehfeldt
- Mille Dinesen
- Søren Malling
- Simon Maagaard Holm
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Page Last Modified: 30th April 2024
Page Added: 30th March 2010
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An excellent movie and Marcus Ronnov also did quite well. I guess the lesson to be learned here is be careful of taking advantage of a boy's intelligence (or lack thereof) for the boy's father may be a cop.
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