The Sorcerer's Apprentice
Country: South Africa
Genre: Family Adventure
Ben has a natural gift for magic, but has no idea it's about to be put to the ultimate test. When Ben befriends a neighbor in his new town, he'll be thrust into a battle with sorcerers and demons he never could have imagined. The fate of the world will rest in his hands, as he goes from learning a few new tricks to warding off a dark and devious magician whose power may be more than Ben is prepared for.
BoyActors Reviews
4 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

Here we are with another obscure boy actor called Byron Taylor starring in a film on the magic of Merlin and sorcery theme. The producers have attempted to set the film in England but it's obvious it was actually filmed in Byron's homeland of South Africa. All the usual ingredients are there: boy at odds with his parents, getting bullied at school and meeting nice girl. However, the best part of the film is in the relationship between Merlin (Robert Davi) and Ben (Byron Taylor). Moving to a new house Ben finds that Merlin resides next door! The build up of trust between the two is very well handled. Obviously aimed at a kiddies market, 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice' nevertheless comes over as a charming tale even if it does falter now and then.
Unfortunately, the DVD has no extras and so we learn nothing about Byron's background as an actor and how he came to get the part.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 28th March 2010
Page Added: 28th March 2010
Page Views: 6255
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