Tommy and the Cool Mule
Country: USA
Genre: Children's
When Tommy discovers that his mule, Jackie-A, can talk, he hopes the beast can help him save the family farm from financial ruin -- and save his widowed mother from the romantic attentions of a crafty real estate agent. But with neighborhood bullies constantly scheming against them, can Tommy and Jackie-A win the big riding competition that will set them all free?

- Grant Barker
(Tommy) - Siri Baruc
- Kevin Sorbo
- Darrian McClanahan
- Jeff Griffin
- Zach Short
(Derek) - Jordan Reynolds
(Nathan Davis) - Carson Nitschke
(Carson) - Dylan Alford
(Lenny) - Brennan Barker
(Young Tommy)
BoyActors Reviews
7 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Better than I expected it to be
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A pretty good and funny family movie. Wonderful acting from the child stars and the adult cast. I recommend this one to all families and children who loves family films. This one was enjoyable and had funny moments.
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Page Last Modified: 24th June 2019
Page Added: 11th August 2009
Page Views: 8892
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