Lost In Space
Country: USA
Genre: Sci-Fi
In the near future, earth's fossil resources are about to be used up. In an attempt to save the human race, scientists build a gate, through which faster than light travel will be possible. The Robinson Family has been chosen to travel to Alpha Prime - the only other inhabitable planet known - at normal speed, ten years, cryogenically frozen. But Dr. Smith sabotages their spaceship, Jupiter 2..

- William Hurt
- Mimi Rogers
- Heather Graham
- Lacey Chabert
- Jack Johnson
(Will Robinson) - Gary Oldman
- Matt LeBlanc
BoyActors Reviews
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I watched this for ONLY one reason, Jack Johnson! SUCH a cutie! :))
Jack turn to music in his teens, and now is an acomplished musician and has a great singing voice, he's in a band but I don't the name of it.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 10th November 2012
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 9700
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