AKA: Tricks
Country: Poland
Genre: Drama
Narrative unfolds from siblings Stefek, 6, and Elka, 18, and Elka's car mechanic boyfriend Jerzy during a sun-drenched summer. The siblings live with their shopkeeper mother. Their father left her for another woman when Stefek was very young. Stefek challenges fate. He believes that the chain of events he sets in motion will help him get closer to his father. His sister helps him learn how to bribe fate with small sacrifices. Tricks and coincidences eventually bring the father to the mother's doorstep but things go wrong. In despair Stefak tests his luck with the most risky of his tricks.
- Poland's 2009 submission for foreign language Oscar
- Damian Ul
(Stefek) - Ewelina Walendziak
- Tomasz Sapryk
- Rafal Guzniczak
- Iwona Fornalczyk
BoyActors Reviews
7 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average Rating: (8.71 / 10)View All Member Reviews/Ratings & Stats
Most recent review listed first
Superb, gentle and charming movie.
My Movie Rating: 10 / 10Page Last Modified: 10th October 2012
Page Added: 14th February 2009
Page Views: 10191
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