Låt den rätte komma in
AKA: Let the Right One In
Country: Sweden
Oskar, a bullied 12-year old, dreams of revenge. He falls in love with Eli, a peculiar girl. She can't stand the sun or food and to come into a room she needs to be invited. Eli gives Oskar the strength to hit back but when he realizes that Eli needs to drink other peoples blood to live he's faced with a choice. How much can love forgive? Let The Right One In is a story both violent and highly romantic, set in the Stockholm suburb of Blackeberg in 1982.
- Remade as Let Me In (2010)
Reviews and Other Resources

- Kåre Hedebrant
(Oskar) - Lina Leandersson
- Per Ragnar
- Henrik Dahl
- Karin Bergquist
- Patrik Rydmark
BoyActors Reviews
21 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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For obvious reasons this is a much better film than the American version.

Also see Witchhammer and A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night.

Superb film!

Page Last Modified: 3rd October 2010
Page Added: 19th November 2008
Page Views: 15169
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