Arabian Adventure
Country: UK
An evil magician seeks to gain power by obtaining a magic rose. A peasant boy and a prince join forces to stop him.

- Christopher Lee
- Milo O'Shea
- Oliver Tobias
- Emma Samms
- Puneet Sira
(Majeed) - Peter Cushing
- Mickey Rooney
BoyActors Reviews
4 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

A pleasant story in, of course, typical Arabian style with an evil caliph, heroic prince, charming orphan boy and plenty of magic thrown in. Puneet Sira plays the young boy, Majeed, really well and together with Christopher Lee as the villain and Mickey Rooney as the laughable worker of the steam driven mechanical monsters it all adds up to a good rollicking plot. A delightful adventure film with an unknown Indian boy actor who doesn't even merit being credited on the DVD cover despite playing a major part! Unfortunately, no DVD extras.
My Movie Rating:

It's a fun movie, pure escapism.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 10th July 2013
Page Added: 10th November 2008
Page Views: 10596
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