Fireflies in the Garden
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
The semi-autobiographical story centers on the complexities of love and commitment in a family torn apart when faced by an unexpected tragedy

- Ryan Reynolds
- Willem Dafoe
- Emily Watson
- Carrie-Anne Moss
- Julia Roberts
- Cayden Boyd
(Young Michael Waechter) - Chase Ellison
(Christopher Lawrence)
BoyActors Reviews
16 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Watched this for Chase!
This movie had a strong cast but not a very strong plot.
Props to Chase for his well perfomance, though he was not truly part of the main plot (more of younger Michael and his father)
Favorite part of the movie was the wheatfield scene between Ryan Reynolds and Chase Ellison!
My Movie Rating:

The performances of young Michael and Christopher where top notch. They held their own against two powerhouse actors, Julia Roberts and Willem DaFoe. I thought the whole film rang true. Death tends to bring out the best and worst in us.

Page Last Modified: 23rd February 2013
Page Added: 11th October 2008
Page Views: 13900
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