The Little Traitor
Country: Israel
Genre: Drama
Palestine in 1947, just a few months before Israel becomes a state. Proffi Liebowitz, a militant yet sensitive twelve year old, wants nothing more than for the occupying British to get the hell out of his land. Proffi and his two friends are always plotting ways to terrorize the British until one evening, while he is out after curfew, Proffi is seized by Sergeant Dunlop, a British officer. Instead of arresting him, he escorts him back home, but what ensues in the weeks to come is a friendship of these two foes.

- Ido Port
(Proffi) - Alfred Molina
- Rami Heuberger
- Theodore Bikel
- Yonatan Lahat
(Ben Hur) - Guy Krasner
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Page Last Modified: 15th July 2009
Page Added: 11th June 2008
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An excellent film and some great acting by Ido Port. Being a war movie there were some very tense moments but Ido and his cohorts were able to get out of those situations until, that is, it became known of his relationship with a British soldier.