Mr. Bean's Holiday
Country: UK
Genre: Comedy
Mr. Bean wins a holiday in Cannes in a local parish raffle. At the railway station Bean asks a fellow passenger to film him getting on the train and in so doing causes the man to become separated from his young son Stepan. Bean and Stepan then go on a journey across France, having to raise money along the way as Bean left his wallet and passport on the station. They stumble onto a film set where Bean falls for an attractive young actress who agrees to drive Bean and Stepan to Cannes as she is also heading there for a film opening. They head to Cannes not realizing that they are being hunted by the police as suspected kidnappers.
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I'm never bored watch this movie.
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Page Last Modified: 29th April 2017
Page Added: 24th May 2008
Page Views: 11066
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A much much better film than his "Bean." Of course we have Max Baldry in this film and boy was he great. I wanted to give this a higher rating because of Max but unfortunately there were scenes in which, I feel, Rowan Atkinson went too far.
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