December Boys
Country: Australia
In the late 1960's, four close-knit orphans in Australia, called the December Boys because they were all born in the same month, leave their orphanage for a holiday by the sea. Having all but given up hope of ever being adopted, the friends are on a seaside holiday one summer when they hear a rumor that a seaside couple are looking to adopt one of the orphans, friendships are tested and new alliances made as the four boys compete for the chance to gain a real family.

- Lee Cormie
(Misty) - Christian Byers
(Sparks) - James Fraser
(Spit) - Jack Thompson
- Teresa Palmer
- Daniel Radcliffe [ALUMNUS]
BoyActors Reviews
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A great great movie. Almost every scene is worth watching, from the porch scene to climbing around on the various rocks and I must not forget Christian Byers fishing scene. All four actors were great; its impossible to select the best of the best as they were all awesome.

Page Last Modified: 13th September 2008
Page Added: 11th May 2008
Page Views: 8950
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