Country: Canada
In the confusion and chaos of the immediate aftermath of the Great War, Lt. John Boles assists the White Russians in Archangel, a crystalline city of spires and domes. When he finds himself living with a family there, he falls for Veronkha - whom he comes to believe is in fact his dead love Iris - as well as becoming a hero and father-figure to young Geza (David Falkenberg).
Reviews and Other Resources

- Kyle McCulloch
(Lt. John Boles) - David Falkenberg
(Geza) - Kathy Marykuca
(Veronkha) - Michael Gottli
(Jannings) - Michael O'Sullivan
(Doctor) - Margaret Anne MacLeod
(Baba) - Ari Cohen
(Philbin) - Sarah Neville
(Danchuk) - Victor Cowie
(Sea Captain) - Ihor Procak
(Monk) - Robert Lougheed
(Kaiser Wilhelm II) - Stephen Snyder
(Stage Kaiser Wilhelm II) - Sam Toles
(Young Philbin) - David Neale
BoyActors Reviews
3 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

The cinematic equivalent of conceptual art. It's all incredibly stylised and 'witty'. There are also some hilarious scenes (a man throttling another man with his own intestines!). This film can thus be entertaining, but only in a sort of intellectual way - one enjoys it in the same way one can enjoy a good joke. And this is the problem. Its intellectuality completely eclipses any possibility of aesthetic response, and thus it fails as a work of art. This film constantly foregrounds directorial technique in a way which obscures any 'themes' the film might otherwise have. It's as though with each scene the director is waving his arms in your face, saying 'Look at me! Aren't I CLEVER! Oh, the cleverness of me!' Having said that, I did like the scenes with the boy.
My Movie Rating:

Fake cyrillic letters are not the reason for the low rating I gave this movie. It is sheer lunacy. I shall act in style with this film and forget it, with an exception for David Falkenburg.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 8th October 2017
Page Added: 19th April 2008
Page Views: 10998
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