Brand Upon the Brain!
Country: Canada
Guy reluctantly returns to his childhood home, an abandoned Canadian island, where his parents ran an orphanage. He remembers strange events from his last summer there: An undercover investigation by child author/detective Wendy and a revolt by the repressed children, blew open a cover-up by Guy's parents. Wendy disguised herself as her brother Chance and discovered that Guy's inventor father performed outr? scientific experiments on the orphans. In black and white, with title cards.

- Sullivan Brown
(Young Guy) - Erik Steffen Maahs
- Gretchen Krich
- Todd Moore
- Kellan Larson
(Neddie) - Andrew Loviska
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Page Last Modified: 10th September 2018
Page Added: 30th March 2008
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Truly bizarre, but impressive. Director clearly very taken with surrealism & German expressionism. Go to the source material first -- see The Cabinet of Dr Caligari, Nosferatu, The Last Laugh and The Seashell and the Clergyman.
My Movie Rating: