The Sandlot 3
Country: USA
Sucessful, arrogant baseball superstar Tommy "Santa" Santorelli travels back in time to 1976 and relives his boyhood days on the sandlot baseball team, this time choosing friendship over glory and ultimately earning both..

- Danny Nucci
- Luke Perry
- Sarah Deakins
- Chauncey Leopardi [ALUMNUS]
- Keanu Pires
(Tommy) - Cainan Wiebe
(Ryan) - Alexander Ludwig
(EJ) - Meshach Peters
(Q) - Brandon Olds
(Two Ton) - Cole Heppell
(DP) - Samuel Patrick Chu
(Wok) - Kai James
(Timber) - Renzo Carbonel
(Roll) - Ryan Drescher
(Wings) - Jerocko Harder
- Cormac Kerins
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It is not as good as sandlot2.
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A notch below Sandlot 1 but still enjoyable. Ryan Drescher is a real treat.
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Page Last Modified: 7th July 2013
Page Added: 7th May 2007
Page Views: 20202
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