Perl oder Pica
AKA: Little Secrets
Country: Luxembourg
Amid the detritus of WWII, and in the shadow of the Cuban missile crisis, 12-year-old Norbi is growing up in the small Luxembourg mining town of Esch, more fixated on how to get his hands on comic books and cigarettes and listen to equally forbidden rock ?n? roll.
- Luxembourg's entry for 2008 foreign language Oscar
- Ben Hoscheit
(Norbi) - André Jung
- Nicole Max
- Anouk Wagener
- Thierry Van Werveke
BoyActors Reviews
3 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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What to say about this one? There is not much of a plot but it is a pleasant enough film. Seems WW2 still loomed large in 1962 in the Europe where this is set.
My Movie Rating: 6 / 10Page Last Modified: 1st June 2013
Page Added: 9th March 2007
Page Views: 5990
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Good piece based on Jhemp Hoscheit's semi-autobiographical novel, with Hoscheit's son Ben Hoscheit as the lead. Depicts near-universal experiences in the specific context of 1960s Luxembourg, with its social conservatism, strong Roman Catholicism, multilingual school system, memories of Nazi occupation, etc.
My Movie Rating: 8 / 10