Pani kluci
Country: Czechoslovakia
Popular Czech film based on the characters and stories created by Mark Twain in various adventures of 'Huckleberry Finn' and 'Tom Sawyer.' Tomás is a mischievous lad who lives with his aunt, uncle and his stuck up cousin Stepan. He's always getting into trouble and hangs out with the equally mischievous urchin Hubert and also with classmate Jozka.

- Michal Dymek
(Tomás) - Petr Vorísek
(Hubert) - Petr Stary
(Jozka) - David Vlcek
(Stepán) - Bohumil Luxik
(Strudl) - Magda Reifová
(Blanka) - Josef Somr
BoyActors Reviews
4 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

I wasn't expecting anything. So how could I be disappointed?
My Movie Rating:

Pleasant enough movie but the DVD seems to lack continuity, as if scenes have been removed to make the film shorter, though I've no idea what the original length was. I struggled to give this film a 6/10 because the acting is over the top and the subtitles are often poorly translated and at times quite obviously incorrect. The kid actors are certainly appealing and they alone make the film worth checking out.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 14th February 2024
Page Added: 8th February 2007
Page Views: 19399
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