Country: Poland
Genre: Drama
The story of a runaway from a children?s home, rejected by the mother he hoped to live with, and left alone in the world. Kundel does not complain, nor does he blame anyone for his misery. Yet he realizes that somewhere out there is a better world. This awareness gives him strength and hope, lets him dream, believe and just be... Fortunately, he does not dream about living a life of ease, but rather of living life to its fullest. He knows that his real, adult life has begun and he has to stand up to this test alone.

- Piotr Jagielski
(Kundel) - Agnieszka Nagórzycka
- Edyta Jungowska
- Pawel Wilczak
- Barbara Szkaluba
BoyActors Reviews
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Pretty good

You've got to admire Jestem. On a budget of 50,000 PLN (US$ 17,340) and tons of creativity, they made the perfect movie (was anyone paid?)
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 15th May 2009
Page Added: 21st July 2006
Page Views: 10787
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