Sixty Six
Country: UK
It is the summer of '66, and England is about to be consumed by World Cup Fever. For 12 year-old Bernie though, the biggest day of his life is looming: his Bar Mitzvah. However, Bernie's family are distracted by the threat of losing their business and their wayward older son, and the scale of Bernie's Bar Mitzvah diminishes daily. Worst of all the Cup Final is scheduled to take place on the same day and when England makes it through the qualifying rounds, Bernie's longed-for Bar Mitzvah looks set to be a complete disaster...
- Filmed in Nov-Dec 2005.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Gregg Sulkin
(Bernie) - Eddie Marsan
- Helena Bonham Carter
- Stephen Rea
- Catherine Tate
- Peter Serafinowicz
BoyActors Reviews
5 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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it Wonderfull story
it base around the Fina 1966 Soccer world cup.
The Pom call soccer is football over in England.
You Really must see the movie people
there a alot of UK Young boy actor in this movie too.
Includeing very talent it Gregg Sulkin.
im looking for other people review of this movie includeing cal one

Page Last Modified: 26th July 2014
Page Added: 27th June 2006
Page Views: 6627
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