Country: New Zealand
Genre: Family Comedy
Ozzie is a young koala living in Australia. He is kidnapped by two goons who work for Max Happy, president of Happy Toys. Legend says that Ozzie speaks English and Max wants to clone Ozzie into hundreds of koalas and sell them for a fortune as talking pets! Buzz and Tank "lose" Ozzie on the plane-ride home by accident to Justin Morton, an 8 year old who is celebrating his birthday with his mom, Beth with a trip to Austrailia. Ozzie winds up in Justin's backpack. When Max finds out the koala is missing, a screwball comedy chase ensues.
- Made in 2001 but not released until 2006

- Spencer Breslin
(Justin Morton) - Joan Collins
- Ralf Moeller
- Rachel Hunter
- Peter Rowley
- Bruce Allpress
- Anton Tennet
(Darryl) - Steven Riley
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Page Last Modified: 2nd January 2016
Page Added: 23rd June 2006
Page Views: 6358
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