Na Cidade Vazia
AKA: Hollow City
Country: Angola
Genre: Drama
11 year old orphan N'Dala arrives in Luanda on a military transport plane filled with other children in the same situation. After running away from the missionary nun, he begins his journey through the unfamiliar and unwelcoming city. After meeting an older boy, N'Dala begins to drift among the Luanda homeless, and is tragically pulled into their existence of survival. An abrupt and tragic end to yet another of the Hollow City's short and innocent lives?a touching portrait of a country destroyed by perpetual warfare.

- João Roldan
(N'dala) - Domingos Fernandes Fonseca
(Ze) - Custodio Francisco
- Carlão Machado
- Raul Rosario
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Page Last Modified: 18th January 2013
Page Added: 20th June 2006
Page Views: 7561
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