TV Mini Series
Country: USA
Genre: Horror
A family on vacation, a writer on a journey, a couple in love, and a lonely hitchiker find themselves arrested and held in a jail cell in the small town of Desperation. The sheriff is possessed by a demon who requires human bodies on a periodic basis to act as hosts for his consciousness. The survival of these wayward souls rest in the hands of the family's young boy David.
- Written by Stephen King
- 180 min
- Filmed: Nov, 2004
Reviews and Other Resources

- Tom Skerritt
- Steven Weber
- Annabeth Gish
- Ron Perlman
- Shane Haboucha
(David) - Kelly Overton
- Matt Frewer
- Sylva Kelegian
- Charles Durning
- Henry Thomas
- Ewan Chung
- Alain Uy
BoyActors Reviews
8 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Most recent review listed first

I loved Shane's performance! especially where he stripped down to his boxers! but as far as the movie it self goes, I was a little upset with King, and the Production Co. putting a gun in the hands of a child! VERY bad form! Socity has enough trouble with young and guns today, we DON'T need the Entertainment Medias glamourizing it!
I enjoyed all the scenes Shane was in, but I think the movie as a whole could have been much better!
My Movie Rating:

Shane Haboucha is one of the best young actors and his performance in this movie was amazing. Sadly, the movie itself was not amazing. There were good parts but really I've seen better. But even in a not so great movie Shane Habouchas work was fabulous. He is truely amazing.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 8th December 2015
Page Added: 27th May 2006
Page Views: 15511
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