The Browning Version
Country: UK
Genre: Drama
Andrew Crocker-Harris is an embittered and disliked teacher of Greek and Latin at a British prep school. After 20 years of service, he is forced to retire on the pretext of health. The boys regard him as a Hitler, with some justification. His wife Laura is unfaithful, and lives to wound him any way she can. One pupil however, feels sorry for him, and gives him a leaving gift which touches Andrew greatly.

- Albert Finney
- Greta Scacchi
- Ben Silverstone
(Taplow) - Matthew Modine
- Julian Sands
- Michael Gambon
- Joe Beattie
(Wilson) - Tom Havelock
(Laughton) - Walter Micklethwait
(Buller) - James Sturgess
BoyActors Reviews
14 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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A self-consciously modern adaptation. The History Boys is a better treatment of some similar themes. The fine acting of Albert Finney and Ben Silverstone is a definite plus here. Silverstone went on to appear in the gay teen drama Get Real.
My Movie Rating:

A pleasant movie about the quintessential English public school and the relationship between masters and pupils. Albert Finney is excellent as the austere teacher and Ben Silverstone equally good and perfectly cast as the intelligent but vulnerable Taplow, whose other name we never get to know. An all round splendid film with quite a number of cute boys in it.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 19th March 2022
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 19953
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