Le Temps des porte-plumes
AKA: A Year in my Life
Country: France
Genre: Drama
Summer, 1954. Tough and secretive Pippo, 9, leaves the orphanage he had been placed in and is welcomed by Gustave and C?cile, a couple of farmers. Guided by his adoptive parents, the young boy is faced with a new life and a tough rural environment where many hard lessons have to be learnt. As friendship develops with Pierre, a former soldier, Bernadette, a pretty young girl, and Alphonsine, a mysterious old woman, Pippo takes his first steps on the road to maturity. An autobiographical tale and universal journey of lost innocence and self-discovery.

- Jean-Paul Rouve
- Anne Brochet
- Annie Girardot
- Raphaël Katz
(Pippo) - Denis Podalydès
- Lorànt Deutsch
- Léo-Paul Salmain
(Juglaire) - Louis Dussol
BoyActors Reviews
4 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Saw this at the theatre the day it was released.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 27th July 2014
Page Added: 18th April 2006
Page Views: 11369
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