Little Manhattan
Country: USA
New York City is the most romantic place in the world--even if you're only 10 years old and falling in love for the first time. That's what young Gabe discovers as he pursues the object of his affections, his classmate Rosemary.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Josh Hutcherson
(Gabe) - Charlie Ray
- Bradley Whitford
- Cynthia Nixon
- Willie Garson
- Jonah Meyerson
(Sam) - Michael Bush
(Max) - Brian W. Aguiar
(Jacob) - Nick Cubbler
(Daryl Kitzens) - Anthony Laflamme
(Tim Staples) - Neil Jay Shastri
(David Betanahu) - Austin Majors
BoyActors Reviews
13 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Great performence by Josh Hutcherson(Gabe) and Charlie Ray(Rosemary). The one of the best Coming Of Age movie.

Josh Hutcherson's performance, which requires a lot of him, is superb. This neatly-made piece may well be the only film he appeared in as a child which was worthy of his acting talent. It requires some suspension of disbelief: the main character's narration is sometimes overly adult, and even without that, these would be more plausible as the first-love feelings of someone a few years older than ten -- indeed, the director was sixteen during the events that partly inspired the script. Nonetheless, the film is a remarkably, sometimes painfully, accurate depiction of what it's like to be in love. There's nothing quite like it in cinema, and its truthfulness puts it up there with the best, most honest films ever made about romantic love: A Swedish Love Story, Un Amour de jeunesse, Brief Encounter, Der blaue Engel, July Rain, the 1932 version of Back Street.

This is one of those boy movies that never really caught on with me. The usual story of cutesy kids falling in love and a boy whose whole life seems to revolve around this girl. Josh Hutcherson looks too young to be completely taken up with such things and, anyway, boys his age have more boyish problems to worry about. Like getting run over in Manhattan or having his scooter pinched. Josh Hutcherson was also a rare boy actor inasmuch as he wasn't particularly good looking being a rather chubby plain-jane. Of far greater beauty but unjustly relegated to a minor role was Anthony Laflamme who played his karate opponent, Tim Staples. Here was an example of gross casting injustice when Laflamme should have had the main part then the girl would have had REAL boy beauty to send her little heart a-fluttering.
My Movie Rating:

A sweet movie indeed, and Josh really does well dealing with all the joys and pains of first love.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 12th June 2010
Page Added: 30th March 2006
Page Views: 7902
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