Max und Moritz Reloaded
Country: Germany
Max and Moritz are two underage brothers living a life of petty crime in Hamburg. They are eventually sent to a boot camp run by 2 former East German soldiers with a tendency to sing and who still strongly believe in Communism. When Max and Moritz learn something else about them, they too surrender to the mischievous boys. Everything could be fine now if the boys hadn't stolen a pimp's red Ferrari. When he teaches the boys a painful lesson, they steal the key to their military school's ordinance depot and things climax in every possible way...
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- Kai Müller
(Moritz Reischke) - Willi Gerk
(Max Reischke) - Katy Karrenbauer
- Franziska Petri
- Sebastian Krumbiegel
BoyActors Reviews
4 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

Everyone should see the bathtub scene. It is very funny. Absurdity galore, reminiscent of Monty Python's Flying Circus.
My Movie Rating:

If it wasn't for the two very appealing boys in the lead I'd chuck this bloody awful movie in the bin. It's an out of control mess. The two boys get a rating of 9/10. The movie gets a 1/10.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 3rd January 2024
Page Added: 3rd March 2006
Page Views: 12970
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It is often said that comedies have the most trouble connecting with a foreign audience......
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