The Thief Lord
Country: UK
Genre: Family
Based on the novel by Cornelia Funke, this charming tale follows six-year-old Bo and fifteen-year-old Prosper, two recently orphaned brothers who escape their impending separation by running off to Venice. There they have fantastical adventures with the mysterious masked figure known as the Thief Lord and his band of child followers, who show the boys all the magic the city has to offer.
Reviews and Other Resources
- Aaron Johnson
(Prosper) - Jasper Harris
(Bo) - Rollo Weeks
- Alice Connor
- George MacKay
(Riccio) - Lathaniel Dyer
- Jim Carter
- Vanessa Redgrave
BoyActors Reviews
13 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average Rating: (6.31 / 10)View All Member Reviews/Ratings & Stats
Most recent review listed first
I enjoyed this movie and was able to overlook the flaws. A good movie for the family to watch together.
My Movie Rating: 8 / 10A pleasant little film with Aaron Johnson slightly acting the great Rollo Weeks off the screen. Better directing might have improved the film all round but Weeks looks great and kind of kinky in his mask. I wonder why no one remarked about that when he was sauntering around Venice? Stilted acting from some of the kids, and Rollo Weeks in particular, takes the edge off this film.
My Movie Rating: 6 / 10Page Last Modified: 13th September 2008
Page Added: 26th January 2006
Page Views: 7360
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