Maximum Overdrive
Country: USA
Genre: Action
For 3 days in 1986, the earth passed through the tail of a mysterious comet. During that time, machines on earth suddenly come to life and terrorize their human creators. A small group of people in a truck stop, surrounded by 'alive' semi-trailers, set out to stop the machines before the machines stop them.
- Written and Directed by Stephen King
- Based on the short story 'Trucks'
BoyActors Reviews
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Good movie for the 80's I always wondered what if something like this would happen. Loved the scary faced truck it's my favorite. Great acting by everyone.

Watchable, if for nothing else, for the eye candy Holter Graham, the acting wasn't that good, I like some of the music, most of AC/DC's Back in Black album was in it and was great! I think they are also one King's favorites too! he used them in a couple of his movies.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 16th April 2022
Page Added: 11th July 2001
Page Views: 16094
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