König der Diebe
AKA: King of Thieves
Genre: Drama
Two amateur circus kids from a poor Ukrainian village, ten-year-old Barbu and his older sister Mimma, are sold to a circus artist called Caruso who promises them a career in the West. Caruso smuggles them to Berlin and separates them from each other. Mimma is sold to prostitution, while Barbu is taught to snatch purses together with an older Albanian boy Marcel. Barbu finds out about Mimma's fate and decides to free her from the brothel.

- Lazar Ristovski
- Yasha Kultiasov
(Barbu) - Katharina Thalbach
- Julia Khanverdieva
- Oktay Özdemir
(Marcel) - Paulus Manker
BoyActors Reviews
4 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
Average and Weighted Ratings are only available once a Movie has received at least 5 ratings
Most recent review listed first

Don't expect an enjoyable time with this film. It's very depressing and full of seediness and depravity. Iakov Kultiasov is unforgetable as the ten year old Babu. Filming for the movie began in the year 2000 and due to financial problems was not completed until 2003. Iakov Kultiasov was 9 years old when they started filming and 12 when they finished. He promised the director he would not grow until the film had been completed.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 23rd August 2008
Page Added: 15th December 2005
Page Views: 5650
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