Nanny McPhee
Country: UK
Genre: Family
Recently widowed Mr. Brown seeks assistance from a mysterious and rather strange looking nanny when his seven very ill-behaved children get too much for him to handle. The children led by the eldest boy Simon have managed to drive away 17 previous nannies and are adamant that they'll have no trouble with this new one. However Nanny McPhee appears to be no ordinary nanny and things soon start to take a turn for the magical.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Emma Thompson
- Colin Firth
- Kelly Macdonald
- Thomas Sangster
(Simon Brown) - Raphaël Coleman
(Eric Brown) - Sam Honywood
(Sebastien Brown)
BoyActors Reviews
18 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Decent, enjoyable little movie with Thomas Sangster giving a fine performance as always.
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An amusing story with the great Thomas Sangster as the eldest child. Good performances all round both from the boy and adult actors.
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Page Last Modified: 15th July 2010
Page Added: 20th October 2005
Page Views: 14227
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