A Step Toward Tomorrow
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
A divorcee moves her family cross-country to take Georgie, her paralyzed son to a pioneer surgeon. The insurance company refuses to pay for the expensive new procedure and there seems to be little hope until the surgeon begins to take a personal interest in the situation. In the meantime Georgie's older brother, Ben, who is devoted to caring for his brother has problems of his own in dealing with local bullies, in addition to carrying a heavy burden of guilt about Georgie's injury.

- Judith Light
- Tim Redwine
(Ben Lerner) - Kendall Cunningham
(Georgie) - Tom Irwin
- Christopher Reeve
- Brad Dourif
- Christopher Fennell
(Joel) - Lee Norris
BoyActors Reviews
5 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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A wonderful story of hope, which, if memory serves, is based on a true story.
My Movie Rating:

A very moving film with wonderful performances by Tim Redwine and Kendall Cunningham.

Page Last Modified: 6th October 2005
Page Added: 6th October 2005
Page Views: 12028
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