Without a Trace
TV Series
Country: USA
Set in New York City, about a special unit of the FBI that is designed to find missing persons. Using the resources of their bureau, the team is lead by Agent Jack Malone. Each episode is a new story which focuses on the race against time in the 72 hour window after a disappearance while hope for a recovery is still considered a possibility.
Notable Guest Appearances
- Colton James in episode 1.02 "Birthday Boy" 2002
- David Henrie in episode 1.02 "Birthday Boy" 2002
- Tyler Garcia Posey in episode 1.06 "Silent Partner" 2002
- Carter Jenkins in episode 1.22 "Fallout: Pt 1" 2003
- Thomas Curtis in episode 1.23 "Fallout: Pt 2" 2003
- Kyle McCaffrey in episode 2.05 "Copycat" 2003
- Eddy Martin in episode 2.07 "A Tree Falls" 2003
- Cody Estes in episode 2.11 "Exposure" 2004
- Matteo Crismani in episode 2.15 "Wannabe" 2004
- Jake Thomas in episode 2.15 "Wannabe" 2004
- Zach Maurer in episode 2.18 "Legacy" 2004
- Jacob Smith in episode 2.24 "Bait" 2004
- Nathan Norton in episode 3.03 "Light Years" 2004
- Hayden McFarland in episode 3.13 "Volcano" 2005
- Masam Holden in episode 3.16 "Manhunt" 2005
- Shane Haboucha in episode 4.02 "Safe" 2005
- Benjamin Bryan in episode 4.8 "A Day in the Life" 2005
- Jordan Garrett in episode 4.15 "The Stranger" 2006
- Dominic Scott Kay in episode 4.17 "Check Your Head" 2006
- Hayden Tank in episode 4.22 "Requiem" 2006
- Bret Loehr in episode 4.22 "Requiem" 2006
- Darian Weiss in episode 5.01 "Stolen" 2006
- Field Cate in episode 5.05 "The Damage Done" 2006
- Nathan Gamble in episode 6.06 "Where & Why" 2007
- Gattlin Griffith in episode 7.24 "Undertow" 2009

- Anthony LaPaglia
- Poppy Montgomery
- Marianne Jean-Baptiste
- Enrique Murciano
- Eric Close
BoyActors Reviews
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Page Last Modified: 21st September 2017
Page Added: 18th April 2005
Page Views: 13288
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