The Stone Boy
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
A young farm boy Arnold, accidently kills his older brother with a shotgun. He retreats into a shell of silence as his family seems to react against him. His father thinks Arnold doesn't have a clue about what he did because he just stands there, not speaking or communicating anything at all ? like a stone. His grandfather is the only one who understands that he is suffering so intensely he simply cannot express himself.

- Robert Duvall
- Jason Presson
(Arnold Hillerman) - Glenn Close
- Frederic Forrest
- Dean Cain
- Wilford Brimley
BoyActors Reviews
6 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Pretty good piece with a big role for Jason Presson.
My Movie Rating:

ALL of the actors in this movie rank in my favorites! a great movie, superb acting by all! I believe this was Dean Cain's first movie! Jason held his own up against the strong cast of vetran actors!

Page Last Modified: 3rd September 2013
Page Added: 18th April 2005
Page Views: 6157
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