Lord of the Flies
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
After a harrowing plane crash into the sea, a group of American military cadets finds itself marooned on a deserted island. Realizing the minimal chances of being rescued, the boys band together out of fear and desperation. But as the island paradise becomes their own, competition and power struggles split them into two packs. Ralph leads one group and preaches civilized ingenuity and togetherness, but Jack wants nothing of it and builds a faction of barbaric hunters who ultimately go to war with Ralph.
- Directed by Harry Hook
- See also Peter Brook's 1963 version of Lord of the Flies (1963)

- Balthazar Getty
(Ralph) - Chris Furrh
(Jack) - Danuel Pipoly
(Piggy) - Badgett Dale
(Simon) - Andrew Taft
(Sam) - Edward Taft
(Eric) - Gary Rule
(Roger) - Angus Burgin
(Greg) - Vincent Amabile
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Page Last Modified: 16th April 2022
Page Added: 11th July 2001
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I did enjoy this movie when I first saw it, and I particularly liked Balthazar Getty, but the Peter Brook ('63) version of Lord of the Flies really does blow this one out of the water.
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