Kicking and Screaming
Country: USA
Genre: Family Comedy
Family man Phil Weston, a lifelong victim of his father's competitive nature, takes on the coaching duties of a kids' soccer team, and soon finds that he's also taking on his father's dysfunctional way of relating.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Will Ferrell
- Robert Duvall
- Mike Ditka
- Kate Walsh
- Dylan McLaughlin
(Sam Weston) - Josh Hutcherson
(Bucky Weston) - Steven Anthony Lawrence
(Mark Avery) - Jeremy Bergman
(Hunter) - Elliott Chou
(Byong Sun) - Dallas McKinney
(Connor) - Erik Walker
(Ambrose) - Francesco Liotti
(Gian Piero) - Alessandro Ruggiero
(Massimo) - Sammy Fine
(Jack) - Timmy Deters
(Alex Hartley) - Jeffrey Noah
(Young Phil)
BoyActors Reviews
10 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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This is an OK movie if you just want some good entertainment. The best part of the movie (besides watching the kids playing) was that Will Ferrell learned a good lesson in the end: don't let the competition go to your head. Once he learned to relax and enjoy the game, the kids were also enjoying the game. And by the way, the two Italians really were good, as reviewer Andreas_N pointed out. Maybe he's Italian too.
My Movie Rating:

I don't think this movie is as bad as some people say, I actually found it enjoyable. Will Ferrell is a jerk, but Robert Duvall levels up the story. The kids were also rather good, especially the two Italians :)
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 27th June 2009
Page Added: 24th March 2005
Page Views: 13628
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