A Kid for Two Farthings
Country: UK
In a poor London community, Joe, a small boy, lives with his mother, Joanne, who works in and rooms above the Kandinsky tailor shop. Joe is innocently and earnestly determined to help realize the wishes of his poor, hard-working neighbours. Hearing from Mr. Kandinsky the tale that a captured unicorn will grant any wish, Joe uses his accumulated pocket change to buy a kid with an emerging horn, believing it to be a unicorn.
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Even charming Jonathan Ashmore couldn't lift this film out of mediocrity.
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What a disappointment after such high expectations. I still can't believe that Carol Reed directed this one. I guess my main problem was that I just couldn't care for the adults that the boy cared for so much.
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Page Last Modified: 30th May 2019
Page Added: 21st March 2005
Page Views: 5859
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