Living with the Dead
TV Mini Series
AKA: Talking to Heaven
Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Supernatural
James Van Praagh has been able to see and communicates with dead people since he was a child. He begins to have disturbing visions of a dead boy who is trying to communicate with him. He starts investigating what happened to the boy and learns that he was one of the victims of a series of murders that appear to be connected to his own life in some way.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Ted Danson
- Mary Steenburgen
- Diane Ladd
- Michael Moriarty
- Donna White
- Connor Widdows
(Young James Van Praagh) - Jack Palance
- Reece Thompson
(Andy, Abducted Boy) - Neil Denis
(Dennis Branston ) - David Kaye
(Gideon Morse) - James Kirk
(Eddie Katz, Molly's Son) - Joel Palmer
(Second Boy) - Ben Johnson
(Third Boy) - Branden Nadon
(Fourth Boy) - Matthew Brevner
(Fifth Boy) - Jaren Brandt Bartlett
(Sixth Boy) - Ben Baxter
(Billy, Boy in Schoolyard)
BoyActors Reviews
8 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Talking To Heaven is an intriguing and engrossing thriller about about a man (Ted Danson) who has been plagued with being able to see dead people since he was a boy. Detective Karen Condrin (Mary Steenburgen) enlists his help to catch a serial killer. (Pre-dates The Sixth Sense by seven years.)
Talking To Heaven is an absolutely spell-binding must see movie! Excellent cinematography! Also stars Ted Danson, Mary Steenburgen, Diane Ladd, Michael Moriarty, Queen Latifah, and Jack Palance. Runtime: 180 minutes. Also known as Living With The Dead

Very excellent movie, but only brief moments of the kids. Nonetheless, it completely captivated me and I was nervous for Reese's character!
My Movie Rating:

An excellent movie, hardly a cliche' in sight, with many heart-tugging moments. The resolution at the end of the crime/supernatural drama is satisfying and not at all what you expect.

Page Last Modified: 3rd August 2008
Page Added: 15th February 2005
Page Views: 27745
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A movie worth the time to hunt down and watch. Ted Danson was at his best. I really felt for all the boys. Being a true story it kind of freaks you out. The ending brought tears to my eyes.
My Movie Rating: