The Boy Who Cried Bitch
Country: USA
Genre: Drama
Chronicles the relationship between a psychotic boy and his neglectful, mentally unstable mother. The story opens as 12-year-old Danny Love holds a gun to his mother Candice's head. The events that led him there provide the bulk of the film. Molested by a Vietnam Vet and ignored by his mother, the boy seems to have a boundless well-spring of hatred. He becomes increasingly strange and evil, forcing Candice to send him to a mental hospital.

- Harley Cross
(Dan Love) - Karen Young
- Jesse Bradford
(Mike Love) - J.D. Daniels
(Nick Love) - Gene Canfield
- Adrien Brody
- Chris McKenna
(Ross) - Jason Biggs
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Harley Cross was riveting in this film.
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Page Last Modified: 21st August 2017
Page Added: 31st December 2004
Page Views: 14255
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