La cage aux rossignols
AKA: A Cage of nightingales
Country: France
Genre: Drama
Having written a book about his work as a reform-school teacher, Clement is unable to interest a publisher. He takes a job with toy-airplane manufacturer, who as a gesture of friendship serializes Mathieu's memoirs in the Paris Telegram. Mathieu's girlfriend Martine wants to know more, so he tells how he organized a group of incorrigible reform-school inmates into an angelic-voiced boys' choir.

- Noël-Noël
- Micheline Francey
- René Génin
- René Blancard
- Michel Francois
(Eloi Lequerec) - Roger Krebs
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Page Last Modified: 29th November 2015
Page Added: 22nd December 2004
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A nostalgic charmer, though improbable and sentimental. The original of Les Choristes.
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