AKA: Glue Sniffer
Country: Venezuela
Genre: Drama
Argentinean director Elia Schneider spins this gritty urban drama about street kids and Venezuela's bloody gun and drug culture. 11 y/o Oliver is thrown out onto the streets of Caracas by his mother's boyfriend and soon finds himself embroiled in a drug war between crippled mobster Mocho and ambitious upstarts Pelao and Cesar. Filmed in 1997, the production was temporarily halted by authorities amid controversy that suggested the young cast could suffer emotionally due to the film's content.

- José Gregorio Rivas
(Oliver) - Elaiza Gil
- Alfredo Medina
- Laureano Oliverez
- Adolfo Cubas
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Similar to Pixote, not as well done
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Page Last Modified: 8th December 2015
Page Added: 16th December 2004
Page Views: 8130
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OK and well-intentioned. Juliana is better.
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