Concorrenza sleale
AKA: Unfair Competition
Country: Italy
Genre: Drama
A poignant depiction of Italy under the rise of Fascism in the late thirties. The lives of two rivalling tailers working side by side are chronicled in this bittersweet comedy that deftly and delicately explores one of the darker moments in Italian history. The story is seen through the eyes of 11 year old Pietruccio who's best friend is a Jewish boy named Lele.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Walter Dragonetti
(Pietruccio) - Simone Ascani
(Lele) - Diego Abatantuono
- Sergio Castellitto
- Gérard Depardieu
- Jean-Claude Brialy
- Claude Rich
BoyActors Reviews
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Page Last Modified: 2nd September 2008
Page Added: 12th December 2004
Page Views: 14198
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The director of this film, Ettore Scola, also made a better film about Italy under fascism: the masterpiece Una giornata particolare/A Special Day. Also see The Wedding Song, a fine piece about a Muslim-Jewish friendship during the Nazi occupation of Tunisia directed by Karin Albou of the very good Little Jerusalem.
My Movie Rating: