The Stuff
Country: USA
Weird yummy goo erupts from the earth and is discovered by a couple of miners. They taste it and decide to market it because it tastes so good. The American public literally eats up the new dessert known as The Stuff but, unfortunately, it takes over the brains of those who eat it, turning them into zombie-like creatures. It is up to an ex-FBI agent and a kid named Jason to stop the spread of the mind-devouring dessert.

- Michael Moriarty
- Andrea Marcovicci
- Garrett Morris
- Paul Sorvino
- Scott Bloom
(Jason) - Danny Aiello
- Brian Bloom
(Jason's Brother)
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Scott was hot!
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Page Last Modified: 8th May 2010
Page Added: 3rd November 2004
Page Views: 13412
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