The Lost Prince
TV Miniseries
Country: UK
Genre: Drama
1910. Prince Johnnie, a loving, insightful and humorous child, is witness to some momentous events in the history of our times. He is prone to epileptic fits and considered an imbecile and an embarrassment. As the landscape of Europe changes forever Johnnie is looked after in a remote farm house by his devoted nurse Lalla, who reminds the monarchy that Johnnie is, at heart, a true prince.
- Written and Directed by Stephen Poliakoff

- Matthew Thomas
(Prince John) - Gina McKee
- Rollo Weeks
(Prince George) - Tom Hollander
- Miranda Richardson
- Bill Nighy
- Daniel Williams
(Younger Prince John) - Brock Everitt-Elwick
(Younger Prince George) - Joe Sowerbutts
BoyActors Reviews
7 member reviews/ratings for this TV Show
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Very Poliakoff. Overlook the odd inaccuracy and anachronism and you have an absorbing piece of TV with a fascinating central character nicely played by Matthew James Thomas.
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I got this from Netflix. It was a truly moving performance and a bit of history made very interesting. I learned more about WWI and the British House of Windsor than I might have imagined... and all of the boys did a magnificient job!
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A wonderful, moving experience. Fine performances from all 4 boy actors.
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Page Last Modified: 26th September 2013
Page Added: 1st November 2004
Page Views: 17426
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