Saint Ralph
Country: Canada
Genre: Drama
Set in the fifties in Hamilton, Ontario. Ralph Walker, a freshman at a Catholic high school, is on the verge of becoming an orphan: his father is dead and his mother is critically ill in the hospital. When she lapses into a coma it seems that only a miracle will improve her health ? so Ralph sets out to make it happen with irrational determination.

- Adam Butcher
(Ralph Walker) - Campbell Scott
- Shauna MacDonald
- Gordon Pinsent
- Michael Kanev
(Chester) - Keir Gilchrist
(Kid Collins)
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I enjoyed this movie.The acting was very good.There was enough humor and drama.I liked Adam,s acting.

Page Last Modified: 21st March 2010
Page Added: 28th October 2004
Page Views: 14723
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Saint Ralph, played so well by Adam Butcher, and written and directed by Mike McGowan...
Helps us give new definition to the term “Saint!” ...
Not a person who is rewarded for revering dogma for its own sake, even to the exclusion of real life concerns, but any person who endures hardships through thick and thin for genuinely sincere and honest intents and purposes...
To me, it was just as much a success for Ralph to come in just behind first, in second place, as if he had won the Boston Marathon as a 9th grader, outright!
Yes, even though he thought that since he heard it would take a miracle to save his Mom, and also heard that it would be a miracle if he won the race, that it would automatically be the miracle prescription to re-waking his Mom from a coma, as motivation, but It seems as though she did wake up, not too long after his taking second, as well... Maybe proof that working on achieving a miracle to your heart's expression depth is pretty much a miracle in itself!
Of course the beauty of working on a goal as hard as Ralph did, is that you get so much closer to where you really want to get, even if you don’t make it all the way there on the first try! I love the natural way Adam Butcher lived as Ralph Walker... An genuinely boyish 14 year old boy being his own heartfelt humane self. And I love the last frame of the movie which superimposes the boy’s image into the stained glass window image of a saint, together with the saints of the past, as a statement of well deserved “sainthood!” for modern definition and recognition, complete with halo!.
I also want to say, that this movie also manages to insert the question as to why the entire idea that our natural male feelings should be something to always hide and be ashamed of (unless we are involved in reproductive marital commitment). Such an attitude looks like old thinking that needs to be questioned and no longer assumed. And, as such, is something we need to help society understand was not our original thinking as a human family, any more than Ralph’s, until about 1700 years ago, and something we need to rethink, as males, for all males,... especially in a time when females are rethinking everything we used to accept about women in this society! It’s time, my friends, to stand up for our MALE rights and our own MALE feelings, TOO... even if it seems it will take a miracle to actually help society see just how we can do so to improve our attitudes towards life and each other, not defame them!