The Best Thief in the World
Country: USA
11 y/o Izzy, feels the world is closing in on him when his dad suffers a stroke and his mom is overwhelmed by insurance problems and a lousy paycheck while struggling to raise three children in a cramped New York tenement. Sometimes Izzy stands on the small ledge bordering the roof of their building as if daring his body to fall off. Other times, he breaks into apartments through open windows to wreck havoc, scrawl obscenities and steal things.

- Michael Silverman
(Izzy) - Mary-Louise Parker
- Jelani Jeffries
(Robbie) - Jonah Bobo
(Sam) - David Warshofsky
- Lois Smith
- Jonathan Toribio
(Rapping Kid) - Hasani Houston
(Rapping Kid)
BoyActors Reviews
8 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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I enjoyed this movie from start to finish. I really felt for Izzy and the whole family. It was a bad situation all the way around.
My Movie Rating:

Very depressing film with odd unrelated second and third story lines that break into the main narrative and dilute it.
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Page Last Modified: 13th March 2010
Page Added: 2nd September 2004
Page Views: 13652
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