AKA: A Christmas Carol
Country: UK
Genre: Christmas, Drama, Fantasy
Ebeneezer Scrooge contentedly meanders through his life as a cruel miser until one fateful Christmas Eve when he is visited by three ghosts. The spirits show him how his behavior has degenerated over the years as his heart has become colder. Using events from Scrooge's idealistic past, dreary present, and dismal future, the apparitions try their best to melt his steely soul.

- Alastair Sim
- Kathleen Harrison
- Mervyn Johns
- Hermione Baddeley
- Michael Hordern
- John Charlesworth
(Peter Cratchit) - Glyn Dearman
(Tiny Tim) - David Hannaford
BoyActors Reviews
7 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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Still the best film version of "A Christmas Carol" ever made. And if that doesn't deserve ten stars, then I don't know what does!

Dickens is what the British do best and 'Scrooge' is a fine example. Masterly acting by Alistair Sim as the miser and the scene with Tiny Tim (Glyn Dearman) looking in the shop window beautifully done. I liked the good looking John Charlesworth as Peter.
My Movie Rating:

Glyn Dearman is THE ORIGINAL cutie! I've loved this version of A Christmas Carol since childhood!

Page Last Modified: 17th April 2018
Page Added: 15th August 2004
Page Views: 6125
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