Catch That Kid
AKA: Mission Without Permission
Country: USA
Maddy and her father have always shared a love for mountain climbing. Their hobby, however, has a disastrous effect when an accident on Mount Everest injures his spine, paralyzing him forever unless he gets a very expensive operation. Maddy decides to recruit two of her friends to help her break into a super-high-tech bank, in an attempt to rob the funds her father needs using the climbing abilities he taught her...
- US remake of Klatretøsen (2002)

- Kristen Stewart
- Corbin Bleu
(Austin) - Max Thieriot
(Gus) - Jennifer Beals
- Sam Robards
- John Carroll Lynch
- Kevin Schmidt
(Skip) - Grant Hayden Scott
(Max) - Shane Avery Scott
(Max) - Kane Ritchotte
(Kid Two) - Linus Merwin
(Kid #3)
BoyActors Reviews
9 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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The special effects carried this movie. I wasn't impressed by any of the acting.
My Movie Rating:

A very fun movie to watch! Max was great, So cute! my favorite scene was where he charmed the bank receptionist into letting him take the model, it was cute and funny! I loved the Gocart chase scenes, I had a Gocart when I was their age, They are loads of fun.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 7th September 2009
Page Added: 21st July 2004
Page Views: 10069
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