Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Country: UK
Genre: Fantasy
Starting during the summer before Harry's third year at Hogwarts, this is the adventure that happens when he has to go on the run after an incident where he was unable to control his anger... getting on a bus, he hears about Sirius Black, a renegade wizard who was a Prisoner at Azkaban. What Harry doesn't suspect is that Black escaped to look for... him.
Reviews and Other Resources

- Daniel Radcliffe
(Harry Potter) - Rupert Grint
(Ron Weasley) - Emma Watson
(Hermione Granger) - Gary Oldman
- David Thewlis
- Alan Rickman
- Robbie Coltrane
- Michael Gambon
- Maggie Smith
- Emma Thompson
- Harry Melling
(Dudley Dursley) - Devon Murray
(Seamus Finnegan) - Matthew Lewis
(Neville Longbottom) - Tom Felton [ALUMNUS]
(Draco Malfoy) - Alfred Enoch
(Dean Thomas) - Jamie Waylett
(Vincent Crabbe) - Lee Ingleby
(Stan Shunpike)
BoyActors Reviews
15 member reviews/ratings for this Movie
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This movie was slightly better than the Chamber was, the time travel scenes were captivating, here again, I don't like the grossities (or gore), they CAN tell a story without all that!
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 28th August 2018
Page Added: 9th June 2004
Page Views: 9478
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