Dare mo shiranai
AKA: Nobody Knows
Country: Japan
Genre: Drama
Keiko is a single mum with four kids by different fathers. One day she doesn't come home, leaving 12 y/o Akira alone with his little sisters Kyoko (Ayu Kitaura), Yuki (Momoko Shimizu) and brother Shigeru (Hiei Kimura). Akira has to provide for them as best he can while concealing the situation from any adult authority, especially the landlord, who is aware of only one child in their apartment. The others have had to be smuggled in, hiding in suitcases...
- Japan's 2005 submisssion for foreign language Oscar
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Minority Opinion: boring
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Page Last Modified: 26th May 2012
Page Added: 7th June 2004
Page Views: 11402
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