800 balas
AKA: 800 Bullets
Country: Spain
12 y/o Carlos fools his rich mom and goes lookin' for his grandfather, an alcoholic stuntman who worked with Sergio Leone in the 60's. The grandfather and other boozehounds do Western shows for tourists, every night they're out whoring and partying and they take Carlos with them. Carlos's mother hates her dad and wants to close down the shows in the Western town, but the 'cowboys' band together to defend their lives and town, this time with REAL bullets...
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I've never seen this boy actor, Luis Castro, before and wasn't even aware the DVD I picked up in a poundshop starred him in it. At two hours long the film could have done with some editing but it was good to see another unknown (to me) boy actor doing his bit. A charming, comedy film from Spain with a good performance from Luis playing Carlos, the boy who has no father and adores his grandfather instead. I good takeoff of the spaghetti westerns.
My Movie Rating:

Page Last Modified: 21st December 2008
Page Added: 31st May 2004
Page Views: 18267
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