Country: Mexico
Genre: Adventure, Comedy, Crime, Thriller
Two young schoolboys in a Mexican town cut class to go to a matinee. One is far away from home and the other one's father has recently passed away. The boys get involved with a gang of thieves and get caught up in the fun, but once part of the gang leaves, loyalties shift, leaving the two boys in conflicting positions. This is the second in writer/director Hermosillo's 'Aguascalientes, trilogy,' preceded by 'The Passion of Berenice' and followed by 'Deceitful Appearances.'

- Rodolfo Chávez Martínez
(Aaron) - Armando Martin Martinez
(Jorge) - Héctor Bonilla
- Manuel Ojeda
- Narciso Busquets
- Marilú Elízaga
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Armando Martin Martinez who plays Jorge - a very charming Mexican boy with freckles! Very cute.
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Page Last Modified: 24th April 2004
Page Added: 22nd April 2004
Page Views: 5164
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